FAQ - Aerosol Therapy
The FAQs below are strictly referred to the products from Norditalia and are not valid for products of other manufacturers. It is mandatory to read carefully the user manual that comes with the appliance. The informations contained in this section are complementary and not substitutive to the contents of the user manual.
Before using these appliances it is of utmost importance to read carefully the user manual of the product.
In case the device is not working, please check this out:
- The device turns on?
Check that the device is connected to the electrical power plug then set the switch in ON position. If the device does not turn on, contact Norditalia or (out of Italy) the dealer of the product.
- The device turns on, but it does not nebulize the medicine?
Check that the accessories are connected to the device how it is shown in the user manual. Verify that the blue colored pixper (see image below) is inserted into the Neboplus ampul. Pay attention to the correct connection of the device to the pipe (1) and Neboplus ampul (2).
- The device turns on, but the nebulization is scarce?
Check point 2.
Remember that the Neboplus ampul can be use with open plug (3) to get a standard nebulization rate or closed plug (3) to get a low nebulization rate.
Oily drugs need longer nebulization times.
Check that the blue colored pixper (check image above) is undamaged and not deformed.
Clean the Neboplus ampul (2) how told in the user manual to remove possible deposits of medicines.
- The device turns on, but after a few minutes turns off?
Contact Norditalia or (out of Italy) the dealer of the product.
Before using the device is of utmost importance to read carefully the user manual of the product.
In the case the aerosol therapy appliance is not working, please check this out:
WARNING: the appliance must always be used by filling the water cup (7) with normal water to the level specified in the user manual. Put the medicine into the medine cup (5) and place it inside the device. Never put the medicine directly into the water cup (7) without using the medicine cup. This way the device is irreparably damaged.
Problem | Display Indication | Cause | Solutions |
The appliance switches itself off or does not come on | No water or water below the reference level | Fill the reservoir suitably | |
When using the appliance the battery symbol flashes | The battery is being charged | Switch off the appliance and charge the battery | |
If you are using the adapter it indicates a temporary lowering of the power supply voltage | You can continue with the therapy, unless the nebulization becomes insufficient | ||
The appliance does not come on and the battery symbol flashes | Flat battery | Charge the battery or power the appliance with the adapter | |
The appliance switches itself off after around 18 minutes. The timer symbol comes on and stays on | Timer intervention | Let the appliance cool for at least 30 minutes | |
The appliance switches itself off and the timer symbol flashe | The appliance is overheated | Let the nebulizer cool for at least 30 minutes | |
The appliance remains switched off after pressing ON/OFF | Green LED switched off | Adapter not connected correctly | Check that the adapter is well connected both to the nebulizer and to the electrical socket |
Battery not connected correctly | Make correct connection. See the user manual. | ||
Appliance/battery/adapter damaged | Contact the stockist or an assistance center | ||
Nebulisation very poor or absent |
Too much medicine (more than 8 ml.) in the medicine cup |
As indicated in the "USE INSTRUCTION" subdivide the dose |
Small amount of medicine |
As indicated in the "use instructions" do not insert less than 4 ml. |
Medicine not inserted |
Check that medicine is inserted in the medicine cup |
Medicine not suitable for use with ultrasound appliances |
Check the instructions enclosed to the medicine and consult a doctor |
Small amount of water in the reservoir |
Check that the water arrives at the level indicated |
Fan blocked by encrustation |
See cleaning instructions |
Wet filter / dirty filter |
Rinse the filter with water and dry it with a cloth / if necessary replace the filter |
Noisy appliance |
Noisy fan |
Check that the fan is not encrusted with medicine. Check that the filter does not touch the fan |
Sudden nebulisation interruption |
Air bubble between the cover and the tube |
Blow gently into the tube |
Wet filter |
Rinse the filter with water and dry it with a cloth |
Medicine has escaped from the medicine cup due to brusque |
Replace the medicine |
May I use the Clenil for Aerosol ® or other cortisonics with ultrasonic nebulizers?
It is common belief that cortisonic medicines for aerosol can't be nebulized by ultrasound appliances. In fact there are medical studies published on journals in the sector (es: Journal of aerosol medicine) which prove that this is absolutely false. It is anyway suggested to refer to the leaflet that comes with the medicine and to get medical advice.
May I nebulizer antibiotics or anti-infectious agents with ultrasonic nebulizers? I have been told ultrasonic nebulizer damages molecular structure of medicine.
It is common belief that some medicines for aerosol, in particular anti-infectious agents, can't be nebulized by ultrasound appliances. In fact there are medical studies published on journals in the sector (es: Journal of aerosol medicine) which prove that this is absolutely false. Please see "Aerosol and Anti-infectious agents". It is anyway suggested to refer to the leaflet that comes with the medicine and to get medical advice. -
May I nebulize solbutamol with ultrasound appliances?
There are no particular contraindications for the nebulization of solbutamol with ultrasound appliances. It is anyway suggested to refer to the leaflet that comes with the medicine and to get medical advice.
The medicine is nebulized with difficulty, what can I do?
While nebulizing expecially thick or viscous medicines, it is recommended to dilute the medicine with normal physiological solution that can be bought at any chemist's. This way the nebulization is generally facilitated.
What are the benefits of the ultrasound appliances over traditional ones?
Ultrasound appliances, if compared to traditional ones, are expecially silent, allow a very fast nebulization and produce smaller particles (that can reach more easily the lower respiratory airways). This allows a deeper and quick healing of any patient and an easier treatment of less collaborative patients like children.
- Is it true that the ultrasonic nebulizer can adulterate the characteristics of the medicine?
Medical studies published on journals in the sector (es: Journal of aerosol medicine) prove that this doubt is unfounded. Anyway the leaflet that comes with the medicines for aerosoltherapy as a rule clearly shows possible difficulties in the nebulization with ultrasound appliances.
Contact Us
If had not been possible to resolve the issue through our online FAQs, please contact us directly by filling out the support form.
Manuals are available online
User manuals are available online, which can be downloaded both in the download area and in each product page.