FAQ - Heating Pads

The FAQs below are strictly referred to the products from Norditalia and are not valid for products of other manufacturers. It is mandatory to read carefully the user manual that comes with the appliance. The informations contained in this section are complementary and not substitutive to the contents of the user manual.

The FAQs below are strictly referred to the products from Norditalia and are not valid for products of other manufacturers. It is mandatory to read carefully the user manual that comes with the appliance. The informations contained in this section are complementary and not substitutive to the contents of the user manual.
Add the following instructions to those in the user manual:

  • Can I fold or roll up the heating pad?
    Do not fold or roll up the heating pad, that could irreparably damage it. Also, that could be dangerous since the heating pad could reach high temperatures.

  • Can I lay on the heating pad or use it like a pillow?
    The heating pad should not be placed under the body but may be placed over the body itself. Do not use the heating pad like a pillow nor put heavy objects on it, both when it is in use and when it is stored. That could irreparably damage it.

  • Can I wash the heating pad?
    The heating pad can be washed in the washing machine at a maximum temperature of 30°C after removing / the removal of the electric cable. Do not use it if it’s damp or wet, wait until it’s completely dry before using. Don't use the heating pad with wet or damp hands or feet. Unplug the device from the electrical socket before any cleaning and maintenance. It is mandatory to read carefully the user manual that comes with the appliance.

  • The heating pad is on but it doesn't heat anymore. Why?
    Our heating pads are provided, as specified in the european norms in force, with an auto turning-off security device. This device intervenes after about 75 or 90 minutes depending on the model (please consult the user manual). To make the heating pad start heating again, turn it off completely for at least 20 seconds then reselect the desired temperature.

  • Which temperature the heating pad can reach?
    As of the european norms in force, our heating pads can reach the max temperature of about 40~55 °C. This temperature can be reached by setting the control on the higher position and anyway after a certain period of functioning (30~45 minutes). The max temperature is reached at the contact site of the heating pad with the skin or clothes. At free air, the temperature reached is lower.

  • Can I use the heating pad to warm children, animals or not self-sufficient people?
    It is absolutely not recommended to use the heating pad to warm individuals not sensitive to heat or not able to communicate, for example newborn babies, children, animals, unable people, etc.. since these could not perceive uneasiness or injury caused by the heating nor could be able to communicate it to the operator.

  • Can I use the heating pad to warm food or else?
    It is advised not to use the heating pad in ways it was not designed to.

  • The control or the electrical energy cable are damaged. Can I replace them? Is it possible to use the appliance anyway?
    Remember that the heating pad is an household appliance, so it is absolutely forbidden to use it if the control, the cable, the electrical plug or any other electrical part results to be damaged. In that case, electrical shock or fire hazard may happen. The replacement of any electrical part can not, in any case, be made by the end user. If necessary seek our assistance (you might want to fill our assistance form).

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