FAQ - Thermometers
The FAQs below are strictly referred to the products from Norditalia and are not valid for products of other manufacturers. It is mandatory to read carefully the user manual that comes with the appliance. The informations contained in this section are complementary and not substitutive to the contents of the user manual.
Important use instructions:
Measuring site.
The correct measuring site is under the tongue or in the rectum as these are internal parts of the body and so not much influenced by external conditions (cold, warm). The arm pit as measuring site, although very common, cause the measure to be affected by environmental factors and so it can be inaccurate.
When the body temperature is changing, it is unequal in all the parts of the body. For example the temperature of the extremities of the body (ex. feet) may reach the temperature of the rest of the body even many minutes later. So the rectum and the under of the tongue are preferred measuring sites for the accuracy of the measures they can provide. -
Measuring scale.
The thermometers from Norditalia measure both in Celsius degrees and Fahrenheit degrees. To switch scale press the button. Pay attention to set the scale correctly: Celsius or Fahrenheit. Often, erroneous measures with this type of products are due to wrong setting of the measuring scale. -
The temperature shown keeps on increasing even after the beep of measurement done, why?
Even after the measurement has completed TD-20 / TD-81 thermometers are still sensitive to additional temperature increase. It is a normal behaviour.
Please be sure to follow these instructions for a correct measurement:
- let the patient and the thermometer acclimate at normal environment conditions for at least 20 minutes before the measurement and do not take the measurement in a cold ambient.
- do not measure the temperature on parts of the body cooled or heated by drinks or food, sport, rubbing, outdoor stay...
- if possible prefer oral or rectal measurement to axillary measurement.
- in case of axillary measurement place the probe well under the armpit, keep the arm still and close to the body until the end of measurement. The axillary temperature is around 0,5 to 1 °C (1 to 2 °F) lower than oral temperature.
These suggestions are valid for the measurement of the temperature with any electronic or mercury thermometer.
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Manuals are available online
User manuals are available online, which can be downloaded both in the download area and in each product page.